This Week's Resources
If you have resources to share with our network, please contact Tobi Mojeed-Balogun our Associate Director of Programs Support.
NYS COVID and MonkeyPox Updates
A lot of the news around mandates, vaccines and restrictions have been a little confusing so I will list some resources below that might help.
PIX11 COVID Updates - kind of NYC-centric but state information is sometimes included. Link here.
NYS Department of Health COVID website - It's a one stop shop with an info summary at the top. Link here.
Walgreens COVID Index - there's concerns about the accuracy of some COVID trackers but Wallgreens released one based on their tests. Link here.
NYS Vaccine Website - Immunocompromised and high-risk folks are eligible for more boosters. Check here to see the requirements.
Antiviral treatments are accessible to eligible people who are COVID-positive. Visit this link to learn more about eligibility and how to get access to antivirals like Paxlovid
NYC Department of Health Monkeypox Webpage - lots of information and resources about the virus with pictures of the rash included. Find the link here.
NYC Monkeypox vaccine Scheduling Website - Link Here
2022 Bulk Buy Application!
We are thrilled to announce that we will begin accepting proposals for our 2022 Bulk Buy Program! Bulk Buy allows us to aggregate food purchasing across the Diocese and means free high-quality food for EC programs. You can find our brief application form HERE! Please contact me (Tobi) with any questions or concerns.
Hudson Link Employer Toolkit
Our friends at Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison put together an employer toolkit for hiring formerly incarcerated people. Thank you to Sean Pica, Eldredge Blalock, Elisabeth Santiago, and the rest of the team at Hudson Link for this important resource. The toolkit can be found here. If you have any questions about hiring formerly incarcerated people, please contact Elisabeth Santiago from Hudson Link's Alumni Services at
Part-time Teacher at St. Ann's Afterschool Program
Our friends at St. Ann's Church in Morrisania, the Bronx are looking for a teacher for their after school program. If you want more information, know any good candidates, or have any suggestions contact Wendy Canas at The job description can be found here.
Talking Turkey: Inflation Altering Thanksgiving Spending - The Food Institute
"The effects of the COVID pandemic, continuing labor shortages and higher transportation costs, as well as drought and outbreaks of avian influenza, will impact Thanksgiving spending, sending turkey prices up more than 70% compared with last year.
Government statistics show average food prices up more than 11% overall, meaning those side dishes also will be more expensive and could send consumers scrambling for ways to cut costs." Read more here
UIDN in the News!
Our friends at Ulster Immigrant Defense Network, a program the supports immigrants in the Mid-Hudson region, at Holy Cross/ Santa Cruz Church were recently highlighted on Spectrum News for their work. Watch or read the feature here.
Community Food Funders Newslink
Community Food Funders has opened up their newsletter to a wider audience (so not just food funders). "Each month, CFF compiles a newsletter with news, articles, reports, and events for those in our region interested in an equitable and sustainable food system." Highlights on this month's newsletter include:
Language Justice in the Hudson Valley - The Hudson Valley Farm Hub’s Language Justice Program has launched the Interpretation Equipment Library. Community organizations can now borrow equipment for simultaneous interpretation. Li Sierra who leads the Language Justice program shares the inspiration behind the library and how it works. They have also released an “Introductory Language Justice Guide."
Elias Foundation Activist Fellowship Program - The Activist Fellowship Program seeks to strengthen and build social justice movements by developing activists’ skills and capacities in the Hudson Valley. The Foundation hopes to identify and support the work of people from the grassroots (local movement building) and/or frontline communities. [The Foundation is] accepting new letters of intent (LOI) for our final cohort of fellows until November 30th. Learn more about the program here.
Voices from the White House Conference on Hunger and Nutrition, Lisa Held, Civil Eats, Sep 29 2022
The White House Conference: They Pulled It Off! Marion Nestle, Food Politics, Sep 29 2022
I will continue to include highlights from each month's newsletter on our weekly resource round-ups but if you would like to subscribe yourself, the link is here. The link to last month's newsletter is here and their archive is here.
That's all for this week -- thanks for all you do!