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Episcopal Charities of New York
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BHN 2021 Advisory Committee Feedback
Advisory Committee Members: Thank you for your invaluable work on grant adjudication for the 2021 Basic Human Needs Grant Cycle! As we are preparing for our next cycle (2021-2022 Youth Opportunity Grants) and begin thinking about post-COVID grant cycles, we'd like to gather your reactions to your experience with this cycle. Any feedback you can provide in the survey below is greatly appreciated! Please let Patrick or SK know if you have any questions.
If you need a refresher, here are links to blank copies of the BHN 2021 Application and Advisory Committee Review Form. Thank you!
I did at least one of my site visits virtually
If yes, was your virtual conversation helpful in your understanding of the program(s)? Why or why not?
What was most helpful about virtual site-visiting?
What was least helpful? What did you miss about visiting in-person?
Zengine (the review platform) was intuitive and easy to use.
Choose an option
The application materials included enough information to prepare me for my site visit.
Choose an option
I was easily able to schedule my site visits with program leaders.
Choose an option
The program(s) I visited understood what was asked of them in the application
Choose an option
The Review Form questions were clear and asked for relevant information.
Choose an option
Sustainability Institute & Weekly Program Leader Meetings Survey
Sustainability Institutes
Episcopal Charities will be holding monthly Sustainability Workshops in 2021. At least the first six months of these workshops will be held virtually. Are there particular topics that you would like to see covered? (e.g fundraising, hybrid youth program best practices, how to navigate the emergency food network)
In general, what timeframe would work best for you to attend Sustainability Institute Workshops (1-1.5 hour via Zoom)? Select all that apply.
Weekday mornings
Weekday afternoons
Weekday evenings
Saturday mornings
Saturday afternoons
Sunday afternoons
Are there other key staff members or volunteers who should be invited to Sustainability Institutes? Please list their email addresses here.
Anything else you'd like to share with us about Sustainability Institutes?
Program Leaders Weekly Check-In Meetings
In an effort to make sure all those who would like to join these calls are able to, what time(s) are best for you to join a weekly half-hour check-in with EC Program Leaders? Select all that apply.
Monday morning
Monday afternoon
Tuesday morning
Tuesday afternoon
Wedensday morning
Wednesday afternoon
Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon
Friday morning
Friday afternoon
Would a rotating schedule of service-area focused calls (i.e. one week all YOG program leaders meet, the following week all feeding programs meet, etc.) be useful to you?
Choose an option
Anything else you'd like to share with us about the weekly check-ins?
Are there topics or areas of expertise that *you* would like to present on or share with the group, either as a Sustainability Institute or during a weekly Program Leaders check-in call?
Anything else you'd like to share with us?
Thanks for your feedback!
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